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Watford Shows the Green Way Forward

Watford Shows the Green Way Forward

Some of our Watford plumbers have recently shown some enviable interest in the environmental debate, which is making headlines everywhere these days. The discussion about global warming and whether it is solely a result of human activity is open for debate and has attracted acres of press coverage. However, a group of fathers and their children in Watford have taken part recently in a an attempt to set a new world record.

Part of a nationwide challenge to plant as many trees as possible in one hour, the team of dads and children has planted thirty trees Tolpits Lane grounds. This was done in parallel all around the country, with a view to break the official record (according to the Guinness Book of Records) of 18,124 trees planted in a single hour. The team have planted wild cherries, silver birches, and a giant Hazel tree.

It is widely accepted that planting trees has a positive effect on the issue of climate change. Trees help absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus reducing the concentration of the green house gas effect. Trees help strengthen the soil and prevent erosion in areas prone to land erosion or in flood plains.

The discussion about the scientific merits of climate change and the global warming phenomenon has once again attracted much discussion recently as the build up to the summit in Copenhagen builds up. Recent revelations of secret emails show that some of the key data used to calculate temperature increase in oceans over the decades were not accurate. This revelations strengthens the hand of the doubters camp and may make it much harder for governments and leaders in the Copenhagen summit to come to a widely agreed plan on reducing emissions of green house gasses.